
“Soaring Fox Cub”

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The district Sixers and Seconders camp was, at one of the previous Cub Leaders meetings, dubbed “Soaring Fox Cub”.

A few years ago, before Soaring Fox, the district ran Staghorn, a nighttime incident challenge hike for Scouts and older Cubs. It was intended to be a bridging event between Cubs and Scouts. Since then, although Soaring Fox has been a fantastic event for Scouts and Explorers, the Cubs have been lacking this “bridging” event – it was a chance for Cubs to get a taste of a Scout event before they moved up.

So, Scout Network and the Explorers have organised a challenge hike for the district Cubs Sixers and Seconders, where teams of Cubs from across the District (each team will be a mix of Cubs from different groups) will navigate their way around a route, accompanied by an Explorer shadow-walker, completing various challenges at bases. Cubs will have refresher training on map reading, the Countryside Code and Highway Code on the Friday night before the hike.

The very best of luck to all Cubs taking part 🙂